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Next Session Starts The Beginning Of January 



Figure Skate Library 

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Borrowing From The Figure Skate Library


Southern Valley Figure Skating Club has a collection of Skates that are available for SVFSC Members to borrow each Session.

Our Figure Skate Library allows families to try figure skating without having to purchase their own figure skates. Also if your skater is currently using skates from the rink, has skates that are not the correct size, or the correct style for their skating ability or is in a pair of worn out skates the library is available. When a skater's foot grows, the skates can be exchanged for a different size as availability allows.

Skaters are allowed to take the skates home and return them either at the end of the session or after the Spring Show. 







Platinum Level - $300 and up



Gold Level - $200 - $299



Silver Level - $100 - $199



Bronze Level - $50 -$99