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Next Session Starts The Beginning Of January 


NDSCS PARADE October 5th 2024



SVFSC skaters and family members are invited to participate in the SVFSC float for the NDSCS Homecoming parade.

The parade is Saturday, October 5 at 10:00.  Line up time TBD.
Skaters can ride on the trailer, or walk rollerblade behind (if skaters can independently rollerblade and keep up with the float).
One hour of volunteer time will be given to each skater and adult that participates. Volunteer credits will show in your account after the parade, after we have confirmed everyone who registered participated. 
*Skaters age 10 and under must be accompanied by an adult if they want to participate in the parade - no exceptions!
*All participants will be required to sign a waiver.


Register a SVFSC Skater to participate in the NDSCS Parade

Register an adult to participate in the NDSCS Parade

-person registering must have an account. You will type the name of the adult participating after you ADD TO CART





Platinum Level - $300 and up



Gold Level - $200 - $299



Silver Level - $100 - $199



Bronze Level - $50 -$99